Lemon Green Tea

Regular price $7.85

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A pleasant blend of tart lemon with the sweetness of green tea.  Makes excellent iced tea!

Jim's Tasting Notes:

The gunpowder green tea has a strong flavor with a slightly sweet finish which intermingles with the refreshing citrus flavors of the other ingredients.  This is an absolutely perfect tea to serve iced. 



Ingredients and benefits:

 Ingredients Gunpowder green tea, lime pieces, calendula + Sunflower petals, gluten free natural flavors.
Origin Sri Lanka
Antioxidant Level High
Caffeine Level Low

Green Tea

Among green tea’s many benefits, most notable are:

  • High in anti-oxidants- green tea is loaded with polyphenols.  These anti-oxidants can reduce inflammation by protecting the body against free radicals and cell damage.
  • May help lower the risk of heart disease – The polyphenols found in green tea can help to relax blood vessels and prevent bad (LDL) cholesterol from becoming oxidized.
  • Good for oral health- Green tea is a natural source of fluoride, catechins and tannins. Several studies have shown that these compounds can help fight bacteria that cause plaque on teeth.
  • Green tea has powerful antioxidants that may protect against cancer. Multiple studies show that green tea drinkers have a lower risk of various types of cancer.
  • Bone health- Catechins in green tea have been shown to prevent bone loss by suppressing cells that break down bone.
  • Green tea contains the amino acid L-theanine, which can work synergistically with caffeine to improve brain function.
  • EGCG, a compound found in green tea, has been linked with a lower risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson’s diseases.
  • Green tea is widely thought to help with weight loss, though studies are inconclusive.

Lime Pieces

  • Lime is rich in vitamin C
  • Lime contains potassium
  • Lime contains powerful antioxidants
  • Lime has antimicrobial properites

Calendula petals

  • Known for its anti-inflammatory properties
  • Antibacterial properties makes it a popular ingredient in oral care products
  • Studies show improved skin tone in individuals who consume Calendula in tea
  • Research has shown that Calendula contains antioxidant compounds that directly impact vision.
  • Calendula extract is being studied for its role in cancer treatment

 Sunflower petals

  • Contains high levels of antioxidants used for treating liver damage
  • Used to treat sleep disorders, most notably insomnia