Organic English Breakfast Tea

Regular price $8.15

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A perfect breakfast tea with good body and full tea flavor notes. 


Jim's Tasting Notes:

Organic English Breakfast Tea is especially delicious with milk and good anytime of day, not just breakfast.  If you enjoy a good classic black tea, this is a great one.


Ingredients and benefits:

 Ingredients Premium black tea
Origin India, China, Sri Lanka, Tanzania
Antioxidant Level High
Caffeine Level Medium


Black Tea

Among black tea’s many benefits, most notable are:

    • Boosts immune system.
    • Keeps digestive tract healthy
    • Good for oral health- Black tea is a natural source of fluoride, catechins and tannins. Several studies have shown that these compounds can help fight bacteria that cause plaque on teeth.
    • Black tea has powerful antioxidants that may protect against cancer. Multiple studies show that green tea drinkers have a lower risk of various types of cancer.
    • Bone health- Catechins in Black tea have been shown to prevent bone loss by suppressing cells that break down bone. 



  • Black tea is widely thought to help with weight loss, though studies are inconclusive.